Plaza Athenee Bangkok, A Royal Meridien Hotel
Bangkok, Thailand

Rating 5

Plaza Athenee Bangkok, A Royal Meridien Hotel
Bangkok, Thailand

Rating 5

Holidays at Plaza Athenee Bangkok, A Royal Meridien Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand Plaza Athenee Bangkok, A Royal Meridien Hotel
  • Plaza Athenee Bangkok, A Royal Meridien Hotel Picture 0
  • Holidays at Plaza Athenee Bangkok, A Royal Meridien Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Plaza Athenee Bangkok, A Royal Meridien Hotel Picture 2
  • Plaza Athenee Bangkok, A Royal Meridien Hotel Picture 3
  • Plaza Athenee Bangkok, A Royal Meridien Hotel Picture 4
  • Plaza Athenee Bangkok, A Royal Meridien Hotel Picture 5
  • Plaza Athenee Bangkok, A Royal Meridien Hotel Picture 6
  • Plaza Athenee Bangkok, A Royal Meridien Hotel Picture 7
  • Plaza Athenee Bangkok, A Royal Meridien Hotel Picture 8
  • Plaza Athenee Bangkok, A Royal Meridien Hotel Picture 9
  • Plaza Athenee Bangkok, A Royal Meridien Hotel Picture 10
  • Plaza Athenee Bangkok, A Royal Meridien Hotel Picture 11
  • Plaza Athenee Bangkok, A Royal Meridien Hotel Picture 12
Wide choice of dining options, lovely outdoor space and a pleasant location on the attractive Wireless Road in the heart of the shopping district.

  • Sports facilities
  • Satellite/TV
  • Conference Facilities
  • Spa Facilities
  • Fitness/Gym Facilities
Address: Bangkok, Thailand Telephone: 0066 026 508 80

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