Women in Relationships More Likely to Ogle Others on Holiday

Posted by Sue Anderson, 31st Jul 2012

Our latest survey has revealed that, when men and women in relationships holiday with their partner, it is women who are the more likely sex to ogle someone other than their partner.

According to our research, it would appear that British men and women might have a lot to worry about when it comes to their partners eyeing up other members of the opposite sex on holiday.

We polled a total of 1,972 heterosexual UK men and women in relationships in the survey, all of whom had been abroad on holiday in the past 12 months with their partner.

74% of the women polled admitted to checking out other men whilst on holiday

When asked, "On your last holiday with your wife or girlfriend, were you guilty of looking at other women?" 56% of the men taking part answered "yes". When the women polled were asked the same question, in regards to looking at other men, 74% admitted they were guilty of checking out other men on holiday.

77% of those polled admitted to trying to cover up the fact they were ogling members of the opposite sex

All of the men and women polled who admitted to checking out other members of the opposite sex whilst on holiday with their partner, were asked if they did anything to cover that up, to which 77% said they did. Top ways in which ogling other members of the opposite sex was hidden by respondents were as follows;

Waited till partner wasn't around 36%

Hid the fact behind sunglasses 22%

Just made sure partner didn't see 19%

Pretended to be looking at member of same sex 17%

It's interesting to see that women are the guiltier party when it comes to checking out members of the opposite sex! Some people clearly go to quite a lot of effort to hide the fact that they are looking where they shouldn't be! Still, could this simply be a case of women being more honest about their wandering eyes?
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