What Would You Rather Give Up - Your Best Friend or Holidays?
Posted by Sue Anderson, 7th Jun 2016
Our latest poll was certainly an interesting one and was very telling in terms of where Britons' loyalties lie. We wanted to find out what Britons would rather give up for the rest of their lives in place of holidays and my oh my we can't wait to share with you what we found out.
We spoke to 2,936 Britons aged 18 and over and asked them to give their honest opinions regarding what they felt they could and couldn't live without for the rest of their days.

We gave people a list of answers and asked them to select what they would rather live without for the rest of their days instead of having to go without holidays forever, which revealed the following top 10 list of things Brits would be most willing to sacrifice for holidays:
1. Carbohydrates - 91%
2. Sex - 72%
3. My best friend - 52%
4. Mobile phone - 51%
5. Internet - 45%
6. Career - 43%
7. Alcohol - 39%
8. Driving licence - 27%
9. Relationship - 15%
10. Television - 13%
This suggests that people would be more willing to give up their best friends for the rest of their lives than their mobile phone, the internet, alcohol or television to be able to still go on holidays! When all respondents were asked 'Can you imagine your life without any holidays in it?' 91% of the people taking part said 'no'. We totally understand that one!
78% of the people taking part went on holiday abroad at least once a year and 63% confessed to us that they felt 'miserable' any time that they didn't have a holiday booked to look forward to.
Holidays are a big part of people's lives and having one to look forward to is, without a doubt, one of the best feelings. However, we were really surprised at just how many people said they'd rather give up their best friend, their relationship or their career for the rest of their lives than holidays!
We can't imagine spending the rest of our days without another holiday abroad; it'd just be too sad an existence! Which things in the list would you rather give up than holidays? Spill the beans...
We spoke to 2,936 Britons aged 18 and over and asked them to give their honest opinions regarding what they felt they could and couldn't live without for the rest of their days.

Britons Would Rather Live Without Carbs, Sex and Best Friends Than Holidays
We gave people a list of answers and asked them to select what they would rather live without for the rest of their days instead of having to go without holidays forever, which revealed the following top 10 list of things Brits would be most willing to sacrifice for holidays:
1. Carbohydrates - 91%
2. Sex - 72%
3. My best friend - 52%
4. Mobile phone - 51%
5. Internet - 45%
6. Career - 43%
7. Alcohol - 39%
8. Driving licence - 27%
9. Relationship - 15%
10. Television - 13%
This suggests that people would be more willing to give up their best friends for the rest of their lives than their mobile phone, the internet, alcohol or television to be able to still go on holidays! When all respondents were asked 'Can you imagine your life without any holidays in it?' 91% of the people taking part said 'no'. We totally understand that one!
63% of Britons Feel 'Miserable' Any Time They Don't Have a Holiday To Look Forward To
78% of the people taking part went on holiday abroad at least once a year and 63% confessed to us that they felt 'miserable' any time that they didn't have a holiday booked to look forward to.
Holidays are a big part of people's lives and having one to look forward to is, without a doubt, one of the best feelings. However, we were really surprised at just how many people said they'd rather give up their best friend, their relationship or their career for the rest of their lives than holidays!
We can't imagine spending the rest of our days without another holiday abroad; it'd just be too sad an existence! Which things in the list would you rather give up than holidays? Spill the beans...
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