What Partner Peeves Do You Have on Couples' Holidays?
Posted by Sue Anderson, 7th Apr 2015
Have you ever been on holiday with your significant other? If so, was there anything in particular that annoyed you about them? Perhaps it was their penchant for the dreaded socks and sandals combo that rubbed you up the wrong way, or their desire to do all the activities that you really don't care for.
We polled 1,578 men and women from around the UK who had been on holiday with their partners in the last 12 months and asked them all about their trip. Everyone we spoke to was aged 18 or over.

Initially, we asked all respondents if there was anything about their partner or their partner's behaviour that annoyed them when they were on holiday together. We wanted them to be as honest as possible, especially seeing as though our poll was anonymous!
Three quarters of those taking part (75%) said 'yes', that there were things about their partner that annoyed them on holiday. We asked these men and women what their top annoyances or peeves were about their partner when they were on holiday with them.
Men's Top Five Partner Peeves on Holiday
1. Showing too much flesh/topless sunbathing - 67%
2. Being overly frugal/too strict with spending money budget - 51%
3. Taking too long to get ready - 46%
4. Spending too much time sunbathing - 32%
5. Being an embarrassing drunk - 21%
Women's Top Five Partner Peeves on Holiday
1. Attempting native language (badly/over the top) - 47%
2. Being an embarrassing drunk - 38%
3. Ogling other women - 32%
4. Being too messy in hotel room/accommodation - 27%
5. Excessive sweating - 16%
When asked if they'd ever confronted their partner over these irritating behaviour or traits, 46% of the relevant respondents said that they had done so. The majority of these (77%) said it had led to an argument or row of some kind.
Despite this, 71% of the people taking part told us that they felt happier in their relationship when on holiday with their partner than at any other time.
For some people, it can be a bit of a shock going from only spending evenings and weekends with your partner, due to busy work schedules, to spending 24/7 with them on holiday. This extra time together and the relaxed holiday environment often bring things to the fore which you hadn't noticed about your partner previously, or which seem to irritate you.
Our advice would be to just kick back and enjoy your holiday and the time you have to spend together. So what if your other half is having a go at speaking the language? Good on them! If there are certain behaviours that start to bug you, like them checking out other people, just let them know how you feel to try and nip it in the bud.
We polled 1,578 men and women from around the UK who had been on holiday with their partners in the last 12 months and asked them all about their trip. Everyone we spoke to was aged 18 or over.

Three quarters of people become annoyed with their partner on holiday
Initially, we asked all respondents if there was anything about their partner or their partner's behaviour that annoyed them when they were on holiday together. We wanted them to be as honest as possible, especially seeing as though our poll was anonymous!
Three quarters of those taking part (75%) said 'yes', that there were things about their partner that annoyed them on holiday. We asked these men and women what their top annoyances or peeves were about their partner when they were on holiday with them.
Men's top couples' holiday peeve is their partner showing too much flesh
Men's Top Five Partner Peeves on Holiday
1. Showing too much flesh/topless sunbathing - 67%
2. Being overly frugal/too strict with spending money budget - 51%
3. Taking too long to get ready - 46%
4. Spending too much time sunbathing - 32%
5. Being an embarrassing drunk - 21%
Women most annoyed by bad native language attempts by their other halves
Women's Top Five Partner Peeves on Holiday
1. Attempting native language (badly/over the top) - 47%
2. Being an embarrassing drunk - 38%
3. Ogling other women - 32%
4. Being too messy in hotel room/accommodation - 27%
5. Excessive sweating - 16%
When asked if they'd ever confronted their partner over these irritating behaviour or traits, 46% of the relevant respondents said that they had done so. The majority of these (77%) said it had led to an argument or row of some kind.
However, 71% of couples feel happier in their relationships on holiday
Despite this, 71% of the people taking part told us that they felt happier in their relationship when on holiday with their partner than at any other time.
For some people, it can be a bit of a shock going from only spending evenings and weekends with your partner, due to busy work schedules, to spending 24/7 with them on holiday. This extra time together and the relaxed holiday environment often bring things to the fore which you hadn't noticed about your partner previously, or which seem to irritate you.
Our advice would be to just kick back and enjoy your holiday and the time you have to spend together. So what if your other half is having a go at speaking the language? Good on them! If there are certain behaviours that start to bug you, like them checking out other people, just let them know how you feel to try and nip it in the bud.
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