Hotdog Legs, Heart Fingers and Holding The Sun - Here Are The Top 10 Holiday Photo Trends
Posted by Sue Anderson, 10th Aug 2017
We spend the time leading up to our holidays almost bursting at the seams with excitement and then when they finally come round, they fly by so quickly that it's like we wonder if they ever even happened. Luckily, we have the endless stream of holiday photos we took whilst there to remind us that it most definitely did!
For our latest poll, we spoke to 2,063 men and women from around the UK (18+), all of whom stated that they had been abroad for a holiday within the last 12 months. We asked them all about their holiday photo collections.
All respondents were first of all shown images of popular holiday photo trends and were asked to select the ones that they had taken on their own holiday (selecting all that applied). From this, we were able to determine the most popular holiday photo trends that are oh so hot right now; with the top 10 as follows:
1. Heart fingers - 61%

2. Holding the sun - 48%

3. Leading by the hand - 36%

4. Hotdog legs - 35%

5. Bikini bridge - 29%

6. Beach silhouette - 27%

7. Feet in the sand - 22%

8. Freeze frame jump - 18%

9. Sunglasses reflection - 15%

10. Tan lines - 10%

When we asked how many photos (approximately) they had returned home with after their last holiday abroad (from their camera, phone or other devices), the average number once all answers were analysed was revealed to be '316'. According to our findings, only 48 photos (which is 15% of the total taken on a holiday) are deemed to be Facebook-worthy; but Instagram is the most likely platform for the first holiday image to be uploaded onto (62% agreed).
We also found out that half of all holiday photos that end up on social media (that's a whopping 52% of them) have a filter applied first to adjust the look of them. Sea not quite blue enough? Whack a filter on it! Disappointed with your tan progress? Find a filter!
Hotdog legs used to be the holiday photo trend that was taking the internet by storm, and it's still up there in the top three. However, people are clearly getting more creative with their holiday photos now and seem to have their sights set on bigger things... like the sun! It seems that a quick snap of you with a cocktail in hand by the poolside just won't do anymore and people are striving to outdo one another with their holiday snaps.
Which are your favourite holiday trends? Share them with us!
For our latest poll, we spoke to 2,063 men and women from around the UK (18+), all of whom stated that they had been abroad for a holiday within the last 12 months. We asked them all about their holiday photo collections.
'Leading By The Hand' and 'Tan Line' Photos Feature in Top 10
All respondents were first of all shown images of popular holiday photo trends and were asked to select the ones that they had taken on their own holiday (selecting all that applied). From this, we were able to determine the most popular holiday photo trends that are oh so hot right now; with the top 10 as follows:
1. Heart fingers - 61%

2. Holding the sun - 48%

3. Leading by the hand - 36%

4. Hotdog legs - 35%

5. Bikini bridge - 29%

6. Beach silhouette - 27%

7. Feet in the sand - 22%

8. Freeze frame jump - 18%

9. Sunglasses reflection - 15%

10. Tan lines - 10%

Holidaymakers Go Home With 316 Photos, On Average
When we asked how many photos (approximately) they had returned home with after their last holiday abroad (from their camera, phone or other devices), the average number once all answers were analysed was revealed to be '316'. According to our findings, only 48 photos (which is 15% of the total taken on a holiday) are deemed to be Facebook-worthy; but Instagram is the most likely platform for the first holiday image to be uploaded onto (62% agreed).
We also found out that half of all holiday photos that end up on social media (that's a whopping 52% of them) have a filter applied first to adjust the look of them. Sea not quite blue enough? Whack a filter on it! Disappointed with your tan progress? Find a filter!
Hotdog legs used to be the holiday photo trend that was taking the internet by storm, and it's still up there in the top three. However, people are clearly getting more creative with their holiday photos now and seem to have their sights set on bigger things... like the sun! It seems that a quick snap of you with a cocktail in hand by the poolside just won't do anymore and people are striving to outdo one another with their holiday snaps.
Which are your favourite holiday trends? Share them with us!
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