Good News! Our Reputation as Holidaymakers Abroad Has Improved
Posted by Sue Anderson, 22nd Oct 2014
Let's face it... us Brits don't seem to have the best reputation abroad when it comes to our behaviour at holiday resorts. Yes, the majority of us are as good as gold and just keep ourselves to ourselves when away, but there are a few that let the side down.
We decided that we'd speak to hotel workers around the world. 500 hotel employees took part in total, from popular tourist destinations such as the Canary Islands, mainland Spain, France, Turkey, Greece, Portugal, Mexico, Italy, Egypt and the Balearic Islands. Everyone we spoke to had been at the same resort for at least three years.

We asked those taking part asked to think about tourists from Britain that they had encountered whilst at work and asked to compare their interactions and opinions of those from the UK at the present time to their experiences from three years ago.
First of all, the people taking part were asked if British tourists were more or less generous with their tips to hotel staff than they were three years ago. 65% felt they were being tipped more generously by British holidaymakers now than they were three years ago; whilst 18% said 'less generous' and 17% said there had been 'no change'.
Next, we asked if the British holidaymakers they encountered were more or less polite than they were three years ago, to which the majority, 54%, said 'more'. 35% said there hadn't been a change in the politeness of Britons, whilst 11% said they seemed 'less polite'.
When asked a similar question, but in relation to the general behaviour of Britons, 71% said they'd noticed an improvement in this department; whilst 12% said they hadn't noticed a change and 17% said they'd noticed holidaymakers from Britain becoming more badly behaved.
When we asked which nationality was the most pleasant to deal with when they were on their holidays, the top five answers given were as follows:
1. Dutch - 21%
2. Britons - 16%
3. Germans - 13%
4. Spaniards - 11%
5. Irish - 8%
Despite politeness, tipping generosity and general behaviour having improved according to the majority of the hotel workers, our research revealed that the majority (52%) felt that Britons were 'drinking in excess' when on their holidays.
It's great that holidaymakers from the UK are finally getting a better reputation abroad. For too long, we've been known for our overly patriotic outfits, our stingy tips and our 24 hour drinking culture. Well, perhaps we're still known for our ability to put away ten pints before lunch, but at least hotel staff around the world have noticed a change and people are being more courteous!
We decided that we'd speak to hotel workers around the world. 500 hotel employees took part in total, from popular tourist destinations such as the Canary Islands, mainland Spain, France, Turkey, Greece, Portugal, Mexico, Italy, Egypt and the Balearic Islands. Everyone we spoke to had been at the same resort for at least three years.

65% of hotel workers think Britons are more generous with tips now
We asked those taking part asked to think about tourists from Britain that they had encountered whilst at work and asked to compare their interactions and opinions of those from the UK at the present time to their experiences from three years ago.
First of all, the people taking part were asked if British tourists were more or less generous with their tips to hotel staff than they were three years ago. 65% felt they were being tipped more generously by British holidaymakers now than they were three years ago; whilst 18% said 'less generous' and 17% said there had been 'no change'.
Britons are 'more polite' holidaymakers than they were 3 years ago
Next, we asked if the British holidaymakers they encountered were more or less polite than they were three years ago, to which the majority, 54%, said 'more'. 35% said there hadn't been a change in the politeness of Britons, whilst 11% said they seemed 'less polite'.
When asked a similar question, but in relation to the general behaviour of Britons, 71% said they'd noticed an improvement in this department; whilst 12% said they hadn't noticed a change and 17% said they'd noticed holidaymakers from Britain becoming more badly behaved.
Dutch holidaymakers are most pleasant to hotel staff
When we asked which nationality was the most pleasant to deal with when they were on their holidays, the top five answers given were as follows:
1. Dutch - 21%
2. Britons - 16%
3. Germans - 13%
4. Spaniards - 11%
5. Irish - 8%
Despite politeness, tipping generosity and general behaviour having improved according to the majority of the hotel workers, our research revealed that the majority (52%) felt that Britons were 'drinking in excess' when on their holidays.
It's great that holidaymakers from the UK are finally getting a better reputation abroad. For too long, we've been known for our overly patriotic outfits, our stingy tips and our 24 hour drinking culture. Well, perhaps we're still known for our ability to put away ten pints before lunch, but at least hotel staff around the world have noticed a change and people are being more courteous!
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