British Babies Now Visit Beaches Abroad Before UK Shores
Posted by Sue Anderson, 26th Sep 2017
Our latest piece of research has revealed that British babies these days are very well travelled. Typically, children will now visit a beach abroad before they head to our very own UK beaches with their parents. Lucky them!
We spoke to 2,000 parents from the UK each with a child aged 18 months or younger. 63% of respondents had taken their baby on holiday abroad within the last year and those taking part answered questions about their child's holiday experiences so far. Here's what we found out...

When we asked, 'Did you take your baby to a beach abroad before going to the seaside here in the UK?' the majority, 55% said 'yes'. We then asked these people why this was the case, to which 32% said that they felt UK beaches were 'less picturesque' (not that baby will care!) and 17% said a holiday abroad was a cheaper option for them than the cost of a UK break.
All respondents were then asked what destination they had selected abroad for their baby's first overseas holiday. When the same question was asked in our 2016 survey, the top five answers were Mainland Spain (16%), Majorca (12%), South of France (10%), Tenerife (8%) and Portugal (6%).
Now, however, the most popular destinations for a baby's first holiday abroad are:
1. Tenerife - 19%
2. Lanzarote - 15%
3. Portugal - 13%
4. Gran Canaria - 9%
5. Majorca - 8%
Our research also revealed that 12% of parents will go on holiday together within the first year of their baby's life, without taking the child with them. There's certainly nothing wrong with that; if you have a willing babysitter in the form of a grandparent or other trustworthy friend or relative, why not? 66% of these people go abroad, with Italy (18%), Turkey (12%) and Cyprus (8%) the most likely destinations for these trips.
When you have a baby, it doesn't mean that holidays have to go on hold for a while. Many parents think this is the case, but actually it can be a really good idea to have some time away together as a family. The parents who said that a beach break abroad was more affordable for them than a UK holiday hit the nail on the head; it can be really costly getting accommodation in the UK and there just aren't the same kind of experiences available on our shores, like all-inclusive breaks with pretty much guaranteed sunshine.
The Canary Islands are rising up the ranks in terms of popularity for a baby's first holiday destination, perhaps indicating parents are now more confident in taking their little ones away to destinations that have slightly longer flight times, but year-round sunshine.
We spoke to 2,000 parents from the UK each with a child aged 18 months or younger. 63% of respondents had taken their baby on holiday abroad within the last year and those taking part answered questions about their child's holiday experiences so far. Here's what we found out...

17% of Parents Say Breaks Abroad Are Cheaper Than Staycations
When we asked, 'Did you take your baby to a beach abroad before going to the seaside here in the UK?' the majority, 55% said 'yes'. We then asked these people why this was the case, to which 32% said that they felt UK beaches were 'less picturesque' (not that baby will care!) and 17% said a holiday abroad was a cheaper option for them than the cost of a UK break.
All respondents were then asked what destination they had selected abroad for their baby's first overseas holiday. When the same question was asked in our 2016 survey, the top five answers were Mainland Spain (16%), Majorca (12%), South of France (10%), Tenerife (8%) and Portugal (6%).
Now, however, the most popular destinations for a baby's first holiday abroad are:
1. Tenerife - 19%
2. Lanzarote - 15%
3. Portugal - 13%
4. Gran Canaria - 9%
5. Majorca - 8%
12% of Parents Leave Baby at Home For a Grown-Ups Only Holiday
Our research also revealed that 12% of parents will go on holiday together within the first year of their baby's life, without taking the child with them. There's certainly nothing wrong with that; if you have a willing babysitter in the form of a grandparent or other trustworthy friend or relative, why not? 66% of these people go abroad, with Italy (18%), Turkey (12%) and Cyprus (8%) the most likely destinations for these trips.
When you have a baby, it doesn't mean that holidays have to go on hold for a while. Many parents think this is the case, but actually it can be a really good idea to have some time away together as a family. The parents who said that a beach break abroad was more affordable for them than a UK holiday hit the nail on the head; it can be really costly getting accommodation in the UK and there just aren't the same kind of experiences available on our shores, like all-inclusive breaks with pretty much guaranteed sunshine.
The Canary Islands are rising up the ranks in terms of popularity for a baby's first holiday destination, perhaps indicating parents are now more confident in taking their little ones away to destinations that have slightly longer flight times, but year-round sunshine.
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