Do Holidays Make You See Things in a Different Light?
Posted by Sue Anderson, 14th Oct 2014
All of the relaxation time that holidays offer brings with it the perfect opportunity to sit and reflect on life. So, it's not uncommon to come to certain realisations whilst you're sunning yourself on a white sandy beach; away from the stresses and strains of daily life.
We polled 2,111 people aged 18 and over from around the UK, each of whom had been on holiday abroad in the last 12 months. Everyone we spoke to was asked about anything they had discovered or reflected on whilst on their last holiday.

When we asked, 'Did you have any kind of realisation or revelation whilst on your last holiday abroad, in relation to aspects of your life?' 73% of the people taking part told us that they did. We then asked these people to list anything they'd come to realise during their trip, which revealed the following top five:
1. That I was unhappy in my job - 36%
2. That I was unhappy in my relationship - 21%
3. That I should see my family more - 19%
4. That I drink too much - 11%
5. That I want to move abroad - 9%
When we asked how much happier they were on holiday compared to when they were back home in the UK, 88% of people said they were 'much happier' on holiday. Anyone who'd had a revelation on holiday relating to a change needing to be made back home was asked if they'd taken any steps to improve their situation or make these changes. Only 12% of the relevant respondents told us that they had, whilst 23% said they still intended to.
We asked any respondents that were in a relationship during their last holiday abroad, and had travelled with their partner, if their relationship had improved or they'd become closer to their partner on their return home to the UK, to which 52% of the relevant respondents said 'yes'.
When we asked why they thought this was, 82% of the relevant respondents put it down to the 'quality time' they'd spent together. 3% said it was due the fact they'd each spent less time with their electronic gadgets or devices. Do you have a digital detox during your holidays? Perhaps you ought to!
Holidays are a great opportunity to put things in perspective. Many people will realise that they are unhappy in their jobs only when they have the time to switch off from it all completely on holiday, or that they've fallen out of love with their partner when they have to spend 7 to 14 straight days with them. These holiday revelations offer us the chance to realise the changes we have to make once we get home!
We polled 2,111 people aged 18 and over from around the UK, each of whom had been on holiday abroad in the last 12 months. Everyone we spoke to was asked about anything they had discovered or reflected on whilst on their last holiday.

Three quarters of holidaymakers have holiday revelations
When we asked, 'Did you have any kind of realisation or revelation whilst on your last holiday abroad, in relation to aspects of your life?' 73% of the people taking part told us that they did. We then asked these people to list anything they'd come to realise during their trip, which revealed the following top five:
1. That I was unhappy in my job - 36%
2. That I was unhappy in my relationship - 21%
3. That I should see my family more - 19%
4. That I drink too much - 11%
5. That I want to move abroad - 9%
When we asked how much happier they were on holiday compared to when they were back home in the UK, 88% of people said they were 'much happier' on holiday. Anyone who'd had a revelation on holiday relating to a change needing to be made back home was asked if they'd taken any steps to improve their situation or make these changes. Only 12% of the relevant respondents told us that they had, whilst 23% said they still intended to.
52% see relationship improvements after holiday with partner
We asked any respondents that were in a relationship during their last holiday abroad, and had travelled with their partner, if their relationship had improved or they'd become closer to their partner on their return home to the UK, to which 52% of the relevant respondents said 'yes'.
When we asked why they thought this was, 82% of the relevant respondents put it down to the 'quality time' they'd spent together. 3% said it was due the fact they'd each spent less time with their electronic gadgets or devices. Do you have a digital detox during your holidays? Perhaps you ought to!
Holidays are a great opportunity to put things in perspective. Many people will realise that they are unhappy in their jobs only when they have the time to switch off from it all completely on holiday, or that they've fallen out of love with their partner when they have to spend 7 to 14 straight days with them. These holiday revelations offer us the chance to realise the changes we have to make once we get home!
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